Thursday, December 28, 2017

Genuine Healthcare Interview with Markus Giebel

Markus is the mind behind Eternity clinic, which leads in predictive and preventative healthcare. Instead of wait till we get sick before we start to treat late-stage ailments, Eternity has created specialised wellness screening software called SAM, or Software for Age Management that was fully developed by a team in Dubai.

Working in Dubai, Markus Giebel recognised early that predictive and preventative healthcare, or age direction, is quickly growing into a multi-billion dollar international sector.

Markus tells us over java the way the screening empowers a very precise identification of each patient's health condition. The machine then recommends remedies including hormones, supplements, nutritional or lifestyle changes and also creates a very easy to understand client health report.

According to Markus, the software and the machine behind it's won many awards and is still amassing significant global interest, since it's changing the paradigm against sick-care to real healthcare.

His vision was, with all the proper screening and intervention, individuals need no longer wait to become ill before late-stage ailments were treated and cured. Within the next ten decades, he said, annual health screening could be as trivial as routine inspections are for your auto today.

Eternity at Dubai Marina has drawn world-leading doctors. The center is equipped with the most advanced diagnostic technology and includes a fully accredited polyclinic, radiology and plastic surgery departments.

Tags: Markus Giebel